Tips For Dealing With Insurance Companies After An Automobile Accident

Posted on: 22 October 2015
According to the Association for Safe International Road Travel, approximately 2.3 million Americans are injured in car accidents each year. Once the dust settles after the accident and you've determined you and your family are safe, the next step you should take is to contact your insurance provider. However, don't assume that just because you've paid your premiums on time every month, the insurance company will give you a fair settlement.
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Don't Expect An Auto Injury Settlement To Make You A Millionaire

Posted on: 29 September 2015
Auto-related lawsuits that are settled for millions of dollars capture headlines, but they're hardly the norm. In most cases, claimants walk away with only a few thousand dollars after legal fees and doctors bills. If you're in the middle of or considering filing an auto injury lawsuit, don't expect your settlement to make you rich. Here's what you might expect to win, if you do win. (Your exact settlement will vary, but the following data will give you a ballpark figure of what you might expect.
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Bed Bugs Turn Your Vacation Into A Nightmare? Ask A Personal Injury Attorney For Help

Posted on: 27 August 2015
If you spent this summer's vacation time fighting off bed bugs at a hotel, speak to a personal injury attorney. Although most bed bug bites are minor occurrences and can go away with medical treatment, some bites can be very dangerous and potentially life-threatening. If you experienced an allergic reaction or serious blood and skin infection from your bites, you may have a case against the hotel. A personal injury lawyer examines your situation to see if the hotel is negligent or responsible for your injuries.
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Understanding The Four Steps Of Appeal During The Social Security Disability Process

Posted on: 20 July 2015
If you are applying for Social Security Disability (SSD), you may have already heard your chances of winning at the time of your initial application are slim. In 2008, the national percentage of cases approved at this point in the process were only 36%. This meant the majority, or 64% of the applicants during this year had to either appeal their decision or reapply. Understanding the appeal process up front, may give you a better chance of winning in the end.
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